The Recitation Practice and Declamation of both poetry and dramatic prose fiction for amateurs as a complement to musical performance and drama music composition
Print edition ISSN 2184-7797 | Online edition ISSN 2184-7878
A Trade journal
Not a Peer-Reviewed Journal - This trade journal publishes basic Drama texts and a Declamation method to complement or accompany ALPMC-CI Drama Musical Compositions
In English
About this journal:
This journal is a periodical for amateurs and also usefull to complement the drama music, edited by 1 editor; it is not peer-reviewed to allow the publication of shorter pieces, and these are written by the editor. Contributions from the editor do not exceed 2000 words. The inclusion of pictures is permitted for publication and the periodical is devoted to artistic learning and includes texts and essays or short articles written by the editor, using the expression "From the editor". This periodical complements the music performance and composition fields.
Tipo de trabalhos que a revista técnica publica:
- Atividade de I&D de cariz técnico e profissional (Investigação e Desenvolvimento)
Conteúdos de base e ideias no campo de atuação da revista.
Print edition ISSN 2184-7797 | Online edition ISSN 2184-7878
Mission: suggestion and development of activities for musical drama, speech (recite) and declamation at school level.
Mission: suggestion and development of activities for musical drama, speech (recite) and declamation at school level.
Title of journal:
Drama e DeclamaçãoA biennial practitioner type publication (august 2020-)