
Incorporating natural talent and hard work with Contemporary Innovative Concepts [Tradition with a Modern Concept] for Classical Music, Folk / Dixie / Bluegrass / Gospel / Modinha / Lundum / Maxixe, resulting in: Popular & Fingerstyle Folk, Saloon Music such as Cakewalk, Minstrel and Ragtime, Hot Jazz, Jazz Swing, Western Swing, Folk Blues, European Dances (Waltz, Polka, Mazurca) and Lusophone Popular Music (Traditional), diverse Musical Fusions, Drama Music and an Introduction to Declamation of Poetry and Prose Fiction.


Instituição particular de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (registada na Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT, I.P.)

Reconhecida pela FCT como Núcleo

Função de Dirigente atribuída pelo PCT (FCT) ao Professor Carlos Alberto F Viegas (Postdoc da Indústria)

Organização integrada no Ecossistema Científico Nacional pela PTCRIS (API CiênciaVitae) - listada na INDEXAR (ambos da infraestrutura RCTS, FCT)

Chartered for the Agreement for Data Supply with the RNOD and BNP, signed in 2019 (Decree-Law 83/2018) [ROSSIO, FCT]

Top-tier organization referred to the Europeana Publishing Framework (EPF)

Reg. Nome Banda de Música - Certidão IGAC 12/2021 (M|C) | Ringgold ID 664395

ISNI 0000000513107373 | ROR ID (under review)

The ALPMC-CI is a musical institution or collective (Band of Music Registered Name by IGAC) - an UNDERGRADUATE R&D ORGANIZATION for the musical science and art, widely accepted by people and the authorities in Europe, in the Portuguese-speaking countries, south America and in English-speaking countries. For all music researchers, teachers and graduate level musicians there is a membership for Fellow (FPMC) by publication. Articulates and promotes common areas of interest in music and art, in connection with associated sciences. It is especially encouraging the fruitful dialogue between music and other disciplines, directed through interactive and tutorial options from its Secretariat and Laboratory with 8 Journal Clubs.    

[Disponibiliza-se 1 artigo 'Preprint' (ainda não publicado) da Carlophone Society of the ALPMC-CI (i.e. a Journal Club with internationally indexed publications - both in print and online) para que os membros e leitores externos possam conhecer o tipo de conteúdos e estilo de escrita de uma sociedade da ALPMC-CI: aceda através deste link para fazer o full download em PDF o qual vem com áudios interativos dos excertos musicais no próprio documento]. 


  The INTERNATIONAL Official Website of the ALPMC-CI's HERITAGE

From the Traditional Roots of Music straight up to the Popular Music, Jazz/Blues and the Contemporary Futurist. Extensive-type Harmony Music (up to 99ma), Musical Illuminure, Illuminure-Miniature and Quantum Performance of Music [or quantum music performance] (with commas of 0.33325c/0.19995c and 'magical' notes) in Practice as well as Developmentalist Composition and Music to the Future with the basics of Declamation, and their connections with the Science: the most modern contemporary, avant-garde, innovative and futurist music-specific R&D Organization (Development of Musical Arts and Collections, Graduate Specialization and Advanced Training/Postgraduate in Practitioner Music Research in articulation with Declamation) - in connection with the associated art (Recitation and Declamation of both poetry and dramatic prose fiction) and science (physics of the sounds).

INSTITUIÇÃO de I&D específica da música (Desenvolvimento de Artes Musicais e Coleções/acervos, Especialização de Graduados e Formação Avançada/Pós-graduada em Investigação Musical Prática em articulação com a Declamação)

CarlosLAB (lab do investigador postdoc Carlos Alberto Viegas - o responsável pela avaliação interna)





"A Academia livre de Portugal"(slogan)

|CN|(The ALPMC-CI National Council is accredited for Data Supply)

Charter 'Agreement for Data Supply' signed on 02 of july 2019 between Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and Academia Livre de PMC–Conservatório Interativo™ (RNOD Partner with Administrative functions)

Our aim is advancing the musical creation and performance of the future by researching and developing for presenting new conventions (and deliver postgraduate activities), NOT to become an higher education centre to offer an undergraduate degree course.

This Property (the ALPMC-CI, a Musical Collective) has been placed on the National Register of Digital Objects (and digitised) of BNP by Portugal's Ministry of Culture.

 Coletividade Musical ALPMC-CI
[ALPMC-CI Musical Collective]
 Certidão de Registo do Nome de Banda de Música nº12/2021 pela IGAC, M|C (a Autoridade Reguladora/Fiscalizadora do Setor)
§ Instituição musical de I&D sem fins lucrativos
Registos de Propriedade Intelectual e Nomes Literário e Artístico - Certidão para Nome de Banda de Música em 2021 (Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo) [Regulamento da IGAC - DL nº143/2014 de 26 setembro]. Conselho Nacional de 7 clubes científicos e 1 sociedade (8 grupos informais criados na ALPMC-CI), Coleções FLPMC e do Conservatório Interativo, para músicos, compositores, declamadores, professores de música e de expressão musical e dramática, académicos e/ou investigadores no início da sua carreira (atividade I&D), assim como outros interessados em geral.

Regulated ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZAÇÃO Tutelada) | Music literature and related areas - Cotas BNP Área Música; Entidade Parceira do RNOD, M|C; Agências Internacionais ISSN - ISBN - ISMN e Depósito Legal (conforming to all ISO Standards)

Continuing VET (Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the EU) at the ALPMC-CI: certified Continuing Education for music and declamation Trainees and Teachers/Trainers, with Specialization for music and/or arts professionals with an undergraduate diploma or degree - European Union/União Europeia

The ALPMC-CI is sloganned as the "FREE ACADEMY OF PORTUGAL" is the most modern contemporary, avant-garde and futurist Musical Research Institution (connected with the associated art and science: declamation and physics of the sounds) in the world, non-profit, with an autonomous laboratory unique in being exclusively dedicated to developmentalist music for the future generations - a great legacy from the Founder.

"MUSIC comes 1st which consists of each tune's Melody, as well as Impromptu and Solo Improvisation with Ornamentation and Expression. Songs or pieces may be played on your own style, improvising and expressing your virtuosity and yourself as a Musician through the MUSIC on stage, entertaining (engaging) the audience with your talents, by upholding the Art and Science of Music. The ALPMC - CI is the musical institution where musicians learn how to Interact musically for performing spontaneously, and get professionally trained from the important 'bases' required for the ordinary musical job up to the highest futuristic skills, resulting in tomorrow's most challenging performers in many plucked string instruments; and that the Music is for the people whatever the personal taste and style. The ALPMC-CI is an international Collective for training in Performance and Composition (Occupational Music or Professional), and in the Folk music traditions and jazz, and to compose and publish Contemporary Music for the next generations, connecting the Music with Drama and Declamation (forms of Reciting/speech or musical lyrics: poetry and narrative prose - Musical Essay: descriptive prose with reliable sources), Music Learning Psychology and Music Aesthetics. And the 'One-Man Symphony' (I In VIII) with the Interactive Microtonal Metropolitan Band is for shure one of the biggest musical challenges in history. Our scope is all the Contemporary Music be it from Classical, Popular (European Folk music styles) or Jazz traditions."

(Carlos Al 'grace' F Viegas)


A ALPMC-CI é um passo Gigante nas Artes Musicais! E articula com a arte e ciência a si conetadas. Damos as boas vindas a toda a comunidade artística e académica nacional e internacional, ao visitarem a página oficial, e pedimos que considerem a vossa inscrição como membros. O vosso apoio é uma das prioridades e as vantagens de membro são várias e valiosas por apenas um modesto contributo (donativo) sugerido no ato da inscrição.



Fundada em 2011


Estatutos publicados por DL e incorporada, por Acordo Nacional firmado (RNOD), à Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal em 2019 [statutes published by Legal Deposit and incorporated, by National Agreement (RNOD), to the National Library of Portugal in 2019]



com as 8 sociedades de praticantes (clubes de revistas)


CONSELHO NACIONAL - consiste na Reunião da anterior denominada Assembleia Geral com o convite de todos os membros para encontro social e apreciação musical de um Concerto de 'O Homem-Sinfonia' (ou outro), ou de breve Recital individual. Os membros a residir em Portugal serão informados quando uma data for confirmada para a reunião e breve apresentação na Igreja de São José das Taipas, Porto.


a)Representar, através da inscrição de membros titulares e da formação contínua certificada (acreditada), as Ocupações de Performer (solista e acompanhador) e Compositor e a Profissão de Professor de Música complementadas (articuladas) com outros recursos científicos, literários e artísticos como a Aprendizagem e Ensino psicopedagógico no âmbito da Interpretação Técnica e Estética Musical, e a Declamação e o Drama (dramatização);

b)Treinar músicos profissionalmente com métodos da ALPMC-CI para que depois atuem no mundo real como treinaram;

c)Implementar e Estabelecer as Eras Extraordinária Desenvolvimentista, Espacial e Quântica da Música e Declamação, projetando e garantindo um próspero Futuro na Performance Musical Contemporânea ao mais alto nível, e a Investigação Técnica e Baseada na Prática para Músicos, dirigindo-a de ‘forma direta’ (straightforward) ‘sem soterrar’ (without overwhelming) com metodologia extensa menos prioritária e menos prática à Performance Musical dos músicos acompanhadores de Banda, Intérpretes Solistas, e ao desenvolvimento profissional dos Docentes da música e educação musical, ajudando a identificar toda a informação-chave necessária ao futuro da Música e da profissão. A "Academia Livre de Portugal" extende-se até às 8 sociedades de revistas científico-técnicas (8 ISSNs & 8 eISSNs para 18 Edições a cada Ano), formando uma Academia-Banda de Música.


Motto: Encouraging - Promoting - Advancing in contemporary instrumental music, for both performance and research, to help musicians at the professional level, or simply at the amateur level;
Objectives: the Music, Art and Science connected; stimulating debate among Peers, and, Re-Inventing - Elevating the status of musicians at the concert level in a similar way to the regulated professions, with accredited qualifications for professional recognition. Thus, devoted to help musicians Serving people who love the Music, all over the world;
Mission: setting the Hallmark of International Standardization for 101 Musical Specialties and 13 Practical Subjects, and continuously raise the highest standards in Contemporary Popular Music, including avangard music, experimentalism and musical abstractionism.
Rationale: instituting Portugal's official organization for Popular and Contemporary Music Performers (Musicians), and Composition and Music Teaching Practice, and for Training and Qualifications at post-high school Professional Certificate level - an 'Exit' qualification from the Specialization program for students and graduates. The full Program is a Graduate Performer's degree in Popular Music - Guitar for Music Performers and private instrumental tutors and music/music education teachers at school, to gain Continuing Education Credits (teachers of both instrumental and classroom music) and a Professional accreditation.
 IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  The Interactive Conservatory (C.I. - as abbreviated in Portuguese) is the Training Ensemble/Interactive Orchestra of the LIVRE Academy of PMC.

The ALPMC - CI, CN is a Ministry of Culture's recognised entity for contemporary music Performers, of a national and international scope, made up of 10 small departments - i.e., the Academy Collections (FLPMC), Interactive Conservatory Band of Music and the 8 practitioner-type scientific societies/journal clubs (Each one with an Official Body consisting of a ISSN and e-ISSN indexed journal for the printed and online versions/editions).
We do Not receive state funding; our donors are private. If you can support the organisation please do not hesitate to become an Associate Member or Full Member and send us the suggested small donation, as an amateur musician or professional musician.

Nonprofit Musical Institution Registered 2011 - Incorporated by National Agreement (RNOD) to the BNP 2019
IGAC Registrations and Amendments of all Works [Our Collections are Licensed intellectual property]
IGAC Registered Artistic Names (a public service for Bands/Ensembles of Music) 
IGAC - Inspeção-Geral das Atividades Culturais, Ministry of Culture (igac.gov.pt)

-Scientific Music Academy for the purposes of music publishing, composition and for training 'Music Performers' under the auspieces of the Ministry of Culture (BNP-ISSN-ISMN, RNOD, APEL-ISBN & IGAC - Registration Authorities) and externally accredited syllabuses for awarding 3 professional qualifications and the additional certification of fellowship for popular music performers (foundation, professional, graduate level & fellowship/advanced training)
Our 8 Scientific Societies/Journal Clubs (18 to 19 journal and e-journal editions each year) - Click here
The ALPMC - CI is a National Library of Portugal's Partner Organization, Ministry of Culture - Click here 
The content and hosting of the RNOD’s Contemporary Music Performance Collections are managed under an agreement with the "Royal" Free Academy of PMC - Interactive Conservatory™ (the ALPMC - CI, Portugal) - click here
Registration Authorities - BNP Quotes: M.P.P. 165 V., M.P.P. 137 V., M.P.P. 138 V., M.P.P. 139 V., P.P. 33259 V., P.P. 33258 V., M.P.P. 141 V. (20 Practitioner-type Journal and e-Journal Editions each year for the 8 scientific societies/journal clubs of the ALPMC-CI and its members, fellows and honorary members).
We may search for some FLPMC Collections and the 6 scientific societies and 2 journal clubs at the RNOD (click here
Approved with the ISSN National Agency & DL Service
BNP - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Ministry of Culture (bnportugal.gov.pt)
Approved with the ISBN National Agency
APEL - Associação Portuguesa de Editores e Livreiros (apel.pt

The Secretariat and Developmentalist Laboratory (CarlosLab for I&D Activity) for the Music to the Future

THE WEBSITE'S OPENING TUNES with the Interactive Metro Band of Music by Carlos Al "grace"
The Fusion High Way #4 (click here to listen) 
Encruzilhadas Opus 4 (click here)
Lundum Contemporâneo Opus 2 (click here)
Impromptus em 101 Microtons e Submicrotons (click here
Please consider making a contribution to support the Academy's musical cause. It is a very small Donation of only 20 euros for becoming an Associate level Member and enjoy 7 great advantages that are exclusive to ALPMC - CI members; the Donation for Full Member is 80 euros and includes accredited training in a professional/specialist qualification for Musicians (aspiring professionals and high level professionals) and Music Teachers. Trainees will be required to attend 1 instrumental private lesson (20 euros) each month for tutorial guidance/preparation on the qualification requirements.

You will receive copies each year of our 8 latest e-Journal Issues and e-CDs (from the 16/17 music practitioner journal and e-journal editions published each year and deposited in the National Library), and the access to excelent Music Performance and Music Learning Resources, as for example, academic e-books, high-quality sheet music in over 73 Musical Styles & 28 Specialties, and many Subjects, the 'I In VIII' (The Man-Symphony with the Interactive Metropolitan Band of Music) ensemble DVDs, 'the interactive man-orchestra DVDs', folk & traditional swing/jazz string sinfonietta, interactive metropolitan orchestra, ensembles (duo, trio or quartet), solo recitals, and the interactive youth orchestra for college level preparation and other important resources. 
We do hope you feel your donation of membership as a good value for your needs. Please consult the membership page for more details.

An educational Roots Revival with Contemporary concepts
Popularizing any traditional musical style (hundreds of styles are available) from all countries of the European Continent and from the Portuguese, Spanish and English Speaking Countries (pieces and songs already in the public domain), adapted to our 101 musical specialties and 13 practical subjects, using standardized sheet music with common musical forms and structures, reproduced for the Int. Conservatory Collections.
The homogenized pop has had its fans in most countries in the world, but many of these nations have created their own indigenous pop out of their folk music.

The Academy's Secretariat holds instruments of professional quality for producing video-presentations and tutorials. The e-Library, Archive Collection and Mini-Library, located in the Secretariat, holds more than 1,750,000 titles including books, e-books, music manuscripts, journals, e-journals, audio and video recordings and academic articles – from whose 99,8% are the Academy’s own editions and titles.


Em Português
      “A Academia Livre de Portugal” é um slogan que serve para denotar em apenas 3 PALAVRAS, o Conselho Nacional da ALPMC-CI™ o qual inclui as suas 8 Sociedades Científicas. Como instituição musical (coletividade-banda de música) sem fins lucrativos e de reconhecido mérito cultural e científico, esta Academia-Banda de Música está dedicada aos domínios da Performance, Composição e Improvisação/Impromptu (métodos de Comunicação musical), Música Interativa e Desenvolvimentista, Educação e Formação Musical, articulando-as com a Aprendizagem/Ensino de orientação psicopedagógica no âmbito da Estética Musical e da Declamação.


In English

        Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo (or the same Registered names but with the "Royal" prefix to denote an official Tribute to the Portuguese Monarchy) is "The free academy of Portugal" (the full slogan is: "A Academia Livre de Portugal para o Avanço (Investigação) e Promoção da Performance Musical e da Arte e Ciência conetadas")) - organized in a Secretariat and Develop. Music Lab (CarlosLab), founded by teacher, music professor, contemporary modern composer and solo musician Carlos Alberto 'Grace' F Viegas (ALPMC-CI PostDoc, UFP PostDoc) - operated by the individual company "C.A.F. Viegas", is a state registered Literary-Band of Music Entity with Registration Certificate nº 12/2021 IGAC, M|C ("Interactive Conservatory" Band). Legally, it is a Non profit Musical Institution with a National Agreement/Chartered (for charitable activities) by the Ministry of Culture for the RNOD (The National Register of Digital Objects - i.e. for both printed digitised objects and digital from the origin, which is the Sector Agreggator to the Europeana that publishes all the Nation's public libraries and public/official private institutions/companies that are worthy of an heritage preservation)), acting as a musical authority in Portugal and Europe (National and European scope) dedicated and devoted to the advancement and research of Portuguese, Brazilian, Cakewalk and Traditional Jazz music, and many musical Fusions and musical Specialties, including Avangard music, Interactive and Developmentalist Music, Music of Quantum Performance (i.e., Infinite Atonal System with 1,333 cent and 0,99975... cent multiples, dividers of 25c/50c microtones from Electro-Acoustic Gigaphones and Educational Carlophones, and of 4c/8c submicrotones from the GRAND CARLOPHONE - instruments are already under construction), Experimentalism and musical Abstractionism within the field of Contemporary Music Science through the DEVELOPMENTALIST LAB for MUSIC (CarlosLab for I&D Activities) organised at the Secretariat. The musical institution (academy-band of music) is a regulated publisher of musical literature and training ensemble established on April 2011 with its names registered as a COLLECTIVE BAND OF MUSIC (IGAC Certificate/Certidão pela IGAC of Artistic Name Registrations for Band of Music Certification for the Collective status) with "Royal" affiliation and officially incorporated by a National Agreement with BNP-M|C [A Charter of Partnership among the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and Academia Livre de PMC – Conservatório Interativo™ - an Accredited Data Provider of the Cultural sector] (for plucked string instruments, traditional percussion and theory) denominated 'ALPMC-CI' with its Published Statutes by DL at the BNP and an IGAC partial Certificate of Band of Music Name Registration (Certidão simples de Registo do Nome de Banda de Música) issued under the IGAC regulations by the Ministry of Culture (M|C) for the 'literary Academy Band of Music' [FLPMC Colletions and Training Ensemble, and 16 practitioner journals & e-journals - the official bodies that 'make up' or forms our scientific societies (16 ISSNs & eISSNs for 18/19 editions each year) - the training ensemble is for plucked string instruments, traditional percussion including the carlophone, and theory, through an approved asynchronous interactive system with 3 music performance assessment levels for 1 'exit' qualification (certificate and diploma of continuing education) and 1 graduate level degree (that of 'Specialist'), and tutoring and psychology of music learning evaluations], and, for the registration and protection of its Name and Intellectual Property (Collections). The Collections were named and registered as Free Faculty of PMC in the honor of arts higher education. ALPMC - CI is NOT a Grade Music Conservatory Exam Board articulated with high school education for gaining secondary school level graduation/comparison points, Nor a Teaching institution or Music school - it is a regulated musical institution that also provides and promotes an officially certified continuing education program for Specializations in Popular Music - Guitar (a professional accreditation/qualification in classical or acoustic/jazz guitar, or the braguesa guitar from Portugal), for high value qualifications with eligibility to gain units of credit (academic). The C.I. (Interactive Conservatory trademark) is the Interactive Band of Music and Training Program and Assessment System of this internationally acclaimed Collectivity, which is, juridically, an Academy Band of Music. Name Registration of Bands of Music in Portugal (Orchestras and Ensembles of any type or size) should be done with IGAC (Registration and Certificate) of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, according to its regulations and the Portuguese law (for Name Registration and Protection). The Academy - CI works around a phylosophy that "MUSIC comes 1st which is each tune's Melody and variation of them, as well as solo improvisation; songs or pieces may be played on your own style, improvising and expressing yourself through the Music on stage, for entertaining (engaging) the audience with your talent." (Carlos Al 'Grace'), independently of the musical style in question, field or other related issues, by using the best sight-reading skills, chart-reading for solo improvisation, extemporisation and impromptu as well as the song forms with standardized song structures, from the Intermediate level Service Musician up to the Higher Advanced level Concert Musician. The ALPMC-CI BAND OF MUSIC (a musical collective of charitable status according to Portuguese law, with 8 scientific societies - i.e. societies of journals of practitioner type) includes the Interative Conservatory Band [C.I.] (interactive automated band of contemporary, microtonal and futurist music) with the "Man-Symphony" (I In VIII) by Carlos Al "grace" (resulting in the largest ensemble ever, simulating over 2600 musicians, of Contemporary Fusions in Electroacoustic Futurist Music with only 1 concert virtuoso musician and composer!) [being the 'Lusophone Hot Clube' part of this], is registered with, and operates under the direct auspices of, public and private bodies managed by the Ministry of Culture, being a goverment protected musical individual entity (with option of collectivity name registration) for musicians of string, wind, brass and traditional Bands of Music/Orchestras and performers of plucked string instruments, as well as music journal readers, with the 2 IGAC Registered Names - according to IGAC Regulations and DL 143/2014, 26 setembro) of "Real" Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo™ (ALPMC-CI) (organização gerida a partir do seu Secretariado para a inscrição de membros, e membros titulares para certificações intermédias pós-secundárias e diplomas de especialista (ou pós-graduação) [formação contínua certificada elegível para estudantes do ensino superior e professores) e Estágio sanduíche] | organization managed from its Secretariat for membership, full trainee membership, professional certificates (an 'exit' qualification that consists of only levels 1-2 of the specialization program, available to high school graduates and alike/equivalent) and specialist diplomas (i.e., postgraduate continuing education) [accredited continuous training eligible for higher education students and school teachers) and research Fellowship] - a entidade instituidora do C.N.: ALPMC - CI com as 8 sociedades científicas (16 ISSNs & eISSNs for 18/19 editions each year, including the 8th scientific society's journal) with the General-Inspection of Cultural Activities (an IGAC public service used for the name registration of Bands of Music (i.e. Orchestras and Ensembles) - string, wind, brass or others ('Bandas de Música/Orquestras' de cordas, sopros, metais ou outras) of the Ministry of Culture, and it was founded in April 2011 and established with its statutory regulations (to establish the institution) published on December 2019 (with Legal Deposit (DL)) by Professor Carlos Alberto F. Viegas (Carlos Al "Grace"), for Performers of contemporary instrumental music, based in Portugal, Europe and Brazil, and all the other Portuguese speaking countries in the world. Professor Carlos has created the Specialized higher level Course (non-degree) of Popular Music in 2012 (3 stages of education and training) with its 'external' validation (aval 'externo') at a Continuing Education Centre (an organic unit) of a Portuguese higher education institution. Non-degree holders are Not eligible for the Postgraduate Professional Development credits from the Specialization Program but they also become professionally qualified as Music Performers (duo/trio/quartet service musician and/or soloist/concertist) (for the professional recognition among peers, internationally, and the accreditation of training and placement completed) from the Academy-Band of Music, for performing professionally and for instrumental music teaching at private schools in enrichment activities as well as music schools. ALPMC - CI CN stands for 'Conselho Nacional da ALPMC - CI' for including our 8 scientific societies, and PMC stands for Performers (or Performance) de Música Contemporânea. Portugal's ACADEMY for MUSIC PERFORMERS (MUSICIANS, both aspiring and professionals) to educate and professionally train Musicians and Music Teachers with the world's 1st Interactive Conservatory (C.I.) [i.e., the ALPMC-CI - eminently practical and experimental training as the best knowledge and skills of specialist professionals should be | Ensemble de Formação - formação eminentemente prática e experimental como todo o conhecimento de especialistas profissionais deve ser] and 8 scientific societies/journal clubs (8 sociedades científicas/clubes de revistas), to advance the field of contemporary music performance through research and stimulating debate among peers, in the classical music, popular music & jazz areas of performance)) - with the RNOD-M|C's national Agreement Charter [i.e., Contrato de Acordo nacional do RNOD-M|C] (considered of cultural and scientific interest) Entity-Publisher for the purposes of training and certifying 'Music Performers' (both amateurs and professionals), under the auspieces of the Ministry of Culture (BNP-ISSNs/eISSNs-ISMNs, RNOD, APEL-ISBNs & IGAC). For most musicians (if not the majority) the voice (vocals) does an equal job of a solo musical instrument but with words (i.e. the lyrics of the traditional song or popular jazz standard). On the other hand, solo musicians and instrumental duos/trios/quartets make music without words, and the 'scat' may work well as a legup (or boost) to complement a good musician's job. Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo@ (ALPMC-CI™) [LITERARY NAME & BAND OF MUSIC NAME with Certificate of Registration by IGAC, M|C] are Registered Names (Brands) with the General-Inspection of Cultural Activities, IGAC Division of Licensing and Intellectual Property (a State registration and/or licensing of literary and artistic works, and literary and band of music names, for intellectual property protection) in Portugal, Ministry of Culture. The content and hosting of the RNOD’s Contemporary Music Performance Collections are managed under an agreement with the "Royal" Free Academy of PMC - Interactive Conservatory™ (the ALPMC - CI, Portugal). "Our national and international recognition and influence on the Music Performance Science must be in playing Music within the scope of all Contemporary Music specialties and concepts, and connecting it with the associated art and science" (Carlos Al 'Grace'). Carlos Alberto F. Viegas (his real name) is the Creator and Arranger of many European and Lusophone Popular Music (arranged from tunes in the public domain), and the Composer of the Contemporary Solo Guitar (Modern style Classical Guitar and Jazz Guitar), Orchestral Concerts and Contemporary Guitar and Braguesa (requinta style) Recitals published and owned by ALPMC-CI, called 'Academius', 'Connections', 'The Contemporary', 'The Vanguardist' (separated by Movements and Opus), Waltz-Contemporary Lunduns, Contemporary Lunduns of many types and metrics, Fusion-Contradanzas, 'The Man-Symphony' I In VIII, Etc., following the composing techniques from the many musical scales, 'cascading' arpeggios and composition techniques he has developed himself: the '9-Note scale', '10-Note' scale, '11-Note' scale (only loosing 1 note to the chromatic scale!), the 'contemporary Hybrid scale', '12-Note contemporary scale' (a scale harmonized with 21 chords), the 14, 16 and 19-note contemporary scales and harmonies, microtonal 31, 62 and 101-note chromatic scales and the 12 chord-iluminures (or miniatures, consisting of 12 tone clusters and miniature size melodies), as well as a 64-note scale (to be used by 4ths) achieving the most exceptional contemporary cromatic scale that ever existed with 124 to 127 microtones and submicrotones by adding the intermediate 12,5c commas and a few 8,5 comma sounds (submicrotones) at the end to complete the 101 notes of the scale (without any note repetition after the 8va), and without 'breaking' the most important harmony and composition rules from both the Music of classical tradition and the styles of jazz and contemporary avant-garde or modernist and 'futurist' Music. Carlos Al "grace" (his pen name) has then idealized a 136-Note Chromatic Scale by adding the 6.25c, 18.75c, 31.25c and 43.75c submicrotones to his 101-Note Scale with 20 keys (from the 20-note contemporary diatonic scale). The most advanced, ultimate, futurist and vanguardist tonal and microtonal music composition approach created by Carlos Al 'grace' at the ALPMC - CI Lab was the 260 and 340-tone/microtone/submicrotone contemporary and chromatic scale and its associated microtonal harmonies, by adding the other submicrotones of 56.25, 68.75, 81.25 and 91.5, resulting in the fully completed 'Musical Corpus' of all tonality and atonality possible approaches, which is being prepared to be published soon this year of 2021. Carlos has also created 4 new musical styles or at least 4 solid variants of existed genres: the contemporary avant-garde lunduns and modinhas, fusion contradanzas and the Portuguese and Lusophone hot string dance style/fusion. The ALPMC - CI, based in Portugal, is committed to become the international Lusophone authority for Popular Music and Contemporary Performers (both amateurs and professionals), integrating the C.I. research centre for Membership (Associate or Full Member-Candidate), professional qualification training, interactive orchestras and ensembles, and our practitioner-type journals for all Members, Fellows and Honorary Members (pioneering tutorial methods of music instruction and psychological methods of musical learning, and advancing the music performance to the next level (for professional and graduate level training), as well as the 8 scientific societies (18 to 19 practitioner-type journal editions each year) for a contemporary popular music joint fellowship (non stipend). We offer accredited training in popular music within a professional qualification system with unaccompanied jazz-style arranged solo pieces at Conservatory Grade 8 level and Beyond (i.e. Grade 8 level accredited continuing education and graduate level Specializations), with improvisation charts in 73 different musical styles and 29 specialties or concepts, for solo performance with the most advanced improvisation and technical skills required for each song, chosen from repertoire lists. The Academy does NOT provide ANY undergraduate degree programme in music and/or declamation, nor Unit Modules part of it, delivered by its distance tutorial methods and system, in collaboration with a university or polytechnic. The ALPMC-CI musical entity provides a 3-stage professional and continuing education programme (with officially recognised 'Credit Units' - UC's in Portugal; i.e., the so called CEU's internationally) for the 'academically and professionally (Performer) accredited' Qualification (only awarded to non-higher education diploma and non-degree holders) culminating with the Specialization graduate degree in Popular Music - Guitar (408 hours total) [eligible to up to 10 automatic ECTS graduate credits for the accreditation received in the specialization programme - transferable to a private or public university masters degree programme] (Diploma de Especialização em Música Popular) to Full Member-Candidates. This second-level 2-year Specialization Graduate Program for degree holders (Curso Superior Especializado de 2 anos ao nível de 2º ciclo para graduados/licenciados) is a professional qualification equivalent, according to the Portuguese legislation, to a Professional or Vocational-based Masters course portion in Popular Music (traditional of any country and jazz) - Guitar and Theory, with optional chordophones (or on a similar specialized music training field), for the vocational qualification of Specialist (not an academic degree per se), if accompanied by a Bachelor Degree in Music or Music Education (Licenciatura). Our popular music programme awards automatic credit value for the continuing education unit credits (i.e., UCs) and ALPMC - CI Specialization in popular music (classical and jazz guitar, and viola braguesa) completed, which are convertible or eligible to at least 10 ECTS (for graduate credit) in a masters degree course portion. Continuing education unit credits can positively impact your career in several ways.

We are aiming to become the International Standard and Hallmark for all small band or ensemble musicians and solos performers, working in Europe and some non-European countries at our own description (i.e., Portuguese, Spanish and English speaking countries).

“Everything is related to the Bebop major and minor scales and melodic minor scale and its modes”.

“Tudo está relacionado com as escalas maior e menor de bebop e escala menor melódica e seus modos”.

(Carlos Alberto F. 'Grace' Viegas)

The ALPMC-CI National Council [CN  - with general meeting every 3 or 5 years at the city of Porto] is based at the Secretariat (Centre) in Anadia, Aveiro, and holds 24 musical instruments of professional quality and miniatures, from whose 15 are a small collection of guitars and other chordophones (plucked string instruments, including an 8-string cigar box guitar; 2 carlophones: educational and 'grand concerto', 3 foot drums, etc). Our Founder and Board Chairman, Professor Carlos Alberto F. Viegas (or Carlos Al "grace"), is working very hard for the e-Library, Digital Archive and Mini-Library, located in the Secretariat and deposited and archived in the National Library of Portugal, to reach a Total of Aprox. 1,750,000 (in electronic format and a few in physical format) editions and items including: books, e-books, manuscripts, monographs, e-monographs, journals, e-journals, audio and video recordings, items for learning and musical practice, midi items and academic articles – from whose 99,8% are the Academy’s own editions and titles. The total of works, editions (of own copyright and the exclusive intellectual property rights of this official academy-band of music) and items will reach between 1,900,000 to nearly 2 MILLION in the next few years with the inclusion of all Compositions and Editions that are currently in development. This is one of the greatest legacies that Music has ever seen, not only in the very large number of works and items but also in the content and futurist scope of music compositions that have been idealised for the future generations of both musicians and the public in general. This level of work deserves a lot of public recognition.
There are nearly 60,000 Editions and Items produced, and the other aprox. 1,690,000 are 'instantly available' under request from our large repertoires.
The ALPMC-CI (Sigla RNOD) is the organization for the field of contemporary music performance that formed and administrates 8 distinct official bodies (proceedings of 8 scientific societies), for non-profit Research, Musical Training, Publishing and Performing.
We publish 18 to 19 practitioner-type journal editions each year (print and online) for our Members and Fellows of the Interative Conservatory, and for the National Library of Portugal.


Patron of Music Education (Patrono da Educação Musical)
PLATO - Aristocles (real name)
428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC
Founder of the 1st higher learning institution - the Platonic Academy in Athenas (an association of learned men).
Plato was equally an advocate for Music Education in the Ancient Greece, and a disciple of Socrates (author of the Socratic Method, widely used in homeschooling).

Plato’s Bust at Vatican Museum, Rome
"Education in music is most sovereign..."

Patron of Cakewalk (Patrono da Cakewalk)
Known as the "King" of March
1854 - 1932
Son of a Portuguese. 
Mr. John F Sousa was the legendary 17th Director of the US Marine Band.
Cakewalk music was adapted from the two-step and spawned by the popularity of marches, mostly by Sousa (e.g., 'The Sousa's Cakewalk, 1902). Cakewalk has incorporated the habanera rhythm (or hambone) into march and 2-step. Sousa was decorated with the Palms of the Order of Public Instruction of Portugal and received honorary memberships from American organizations. 

Patron of Baroque Music (Patrono da Música Barroca)
Best known for Harmony, Counterpoint and Extemporisation (Baroque Era)
1685 - 1750

Patron of Classical Music (Patrono da Música Clássica)
Best known for his Impromptus (late Classical and early Romantic Eras)
1797 - 1828

BOARD CHAIRMAN, ADJUNCT, HONORARY BENEFACTOR AND 2 PEERS (statutory and internal regulations published on december 2019)
The ALPMC-CI is a National Council formed by 5 people of high recognised merit
The Founder and Board Chairman (non paid position)
Pass BMus (LCM, Guitar Inst., formerly RGT Reg.), PG (CCPFC professores), FNCM, NCM Research Fellow [with UK MEC endorsement], Estudos pós-doutorais (UFP), LittD (HCCI, US), FGMS (UK), FASC (member) 
(*)Postdoc da indústria (i.e. setor privado)
Contemporary, Jazz Orchestral, Visionary and Developmental Music Composer, "The Free Academy of Portugal" (ALPMC - CI National Council) Founder, Music Literacy and Performance Independent Researcher, and Private Tutor of Guitar, Music Theory and Composition/Arranging. He is also a Modern Concert Guitarist (Solo Musician).
***Academic Position:
Self-employed Postdoc in the industry (i.e. private sector) - CarlosLAB, PI at ALPMC-CI (IR - Investigador Responsável do projeto Carlofone: revista académica de graduação e o desenvolvimento do instrumento idiofone das iluminuras musicais - não financiado pela FCT). 
Anteriormente (Formação académica): 
Investigação de pós-doutoramento na Teoria da Aprendizagem para Guitarra Jazz & Blues - apresentou nos Dias da Investigação na UFP em 2015 e 2017, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, GADI, Porto
Estudos pós-doutorais em Psicologia da Aprendizagem e do Ensino (EQF level 8 qualification course) na Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto (4 meses - qualificação profissional conferida em Novembro de 2012)
Conseguiu uma posição de NCM Research Fellow (2012 Jan - 2012 Set) with an endorsement from the UK Music Education Council (formerly the UKCMET)
Foi aprovado na Fellowship Examination in Thesis (pre-doctoral training) da National College of Music in London (2011 Abril - Dez/2012 Jan)
Fez a Licenciatura básica com Professor Certificado RGT-LCM (registo profissional) na TVU, e na escola afiliada The Guitar Institute (Pass Degree with RGT-LCM Registered Teacher).

A Research Professor in Music Practice and Performance (Professor Investigador em Práticas Musicais da Teoria/Composição Contemporânea Moderna e da Performance Desenvolvimentista, e Teoria da Aprendizagem) specialising on the Practices of Musical Performance and Modern and Developmentalist Composition, and the Theory of Learning (or related topics), maintains the Academy's Interactive Conservatory and its 8 journal societies (i.e. 7 Journal Clubs and 1 Society [journals, e-journals and musical CD-Roms] of the "Royal" Free Academy of PMC - C.I. that formed the National Council for the field of contemporary instrumental music: classical, traditional and jazz fields) at the ALPMC - CI Secretariat, based in Anadia, Aveiro, Portugal. He is a virtuoso Performer but has been more focused and dedicated on his work as the RESIDENT COMPOSER for the ALPMC - CI, letting (with License) and encouraging other performers to play the uncommon and futurist wealthy music melodies, harmonies, impromptus, and unusual advanced counterpoints, since they are members (associate or full membership) or fellows of the ALPMC - CI (academy-band of music).

A Virtuoso Multi-Instrumentalist - pioneering many Musical Fusions in 104+ specialties, and 'Concerto Stride Guitar' [a combination equivalent to Solo guitar, Rhythm guitar of 'rasgado' or another, and Bass groove], Percussion (percussive guitar box), Foot Drums, Scat Voice and Kazoo - 7 instruments simulated and performed by himself simultaneously - he considers his Interactive Metropolitan Orchestra the 8th instrument remembering Duke Ellington who was the man that 'played the orchestra'. This makes a musical octet called 'The Man-Symphony' [I IN VIII] (an Octet performed by only One musician!). Musical director for the Academy's Contemporary 3-Piece Orchestra - I In VIII and 2 hired musicians, equating to a small 10-Piece Orchestra.
Carlos has created 4 musical styles: the contemporary swing lundu, contradanza-fusion and the Portuguese and Lusophone hot swing, etc; and has developed many musical scales and tone clusters: the '9-Note scale', the 'contemporary hybrid scale', '10-Note scale', and the '11-Note scale' (only looses 1 note to the chromatic scale!), '12-Note contemporary scale' (a scale harmonized with 21 chords) and the 12 chord-iluminures (clusters) and the 100-note and 128-note scales of microtones.
Inventor of the Foot Drums (based on a traditional 4-part dixieland drum set) and the Carlophone percussion instruments.

Accredited teacher's lecturer (acting as a program moderator) by the CCPFC (Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua, Ministério da Educação / Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuing Education, Ministry of Education) - Subjects/Areas of expertise: Music Education/Music and Expressions, Minho, Braga, Portugal - accreditation nº CCPFC/RFO-34971/14
Collections and Journals (Author), Graduate Program in Popular Music - Guitar & ALPMC-CI Fellowship Composer
VIDEO-DEMONSTRATION OF "ENCRUZILHADAS Opus 4 for GUITAR" (without the Interactive Metropolitan Band) - a masterpiece by (uma obra-prima de) Carlos Al 'grace' F Viegas
Click here for the video - For the Interactive Conservatory Orchestras click here
Video of Carlos performing a jazz standard (arranged in stride guitar) at the World's Goa Day, recorded by TV Portuguese Monarchy
(video of Stride Guitar and Stomp)

Founder and Honorary Prize Member of Academia Livre de PMC - Conservatório Interativo.
Academy's Board Chairman and General Assembly Director. Author and editor of almost all Academy titles, for whose 99,8% are the academy's own editions.

Author of The Interactive Tutorial & Video System (asynchronous) GADI, Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

Author and Performer of the 'I In VII' Ensemble (solo guitar, rhythm guitar, bass, foot drums, percussion, scat voice and kazoo) for the Academy's Live Productions of public performance programmes - a small musical band of service musicians called 'Duo Hot Clube Lusófono'.

Author of thousands of editions and titles held by the Academy's Collections and the 6 Society Journals, including: Books, e-Books, Journal and e-Journal issues, Manuscripts, Abstracts, Articles, Instructional DVDs/CDs and 1 Solo Guitar EP.

Author of 2 Practitioner-type Journal Abstracts published at the RILM (International Repertory of Music Literature)

Membership and Award for Composer, Musician and Guitarist by Associação do Idioma e Culturas em Português (AICEM)

Former General-Secretary Dr. Manuel Luciano da Silva Foundation (ADMLS)

BOARD ADJUNCT (non paid position)
Vencedor do 'Prémio Amália' em 2012 para Melhor Baixista (Winner of 'Amália Award' in 2012 for Best Bassist) - Fundação Amália Rodrigues, Portugal

CEO of TV Portuguese Monarchy (affiliated to the Royal House of Portugal)
Board Member of the Royal Fellowship of Souls of 'São José das Taipas'

FELLOWSHIP ADVISORY PANEL - PEER-REVIEW (Practice-based) of BRIEF RESEARCH REPORTS (2 Peers for professional or academic feedback in the Carlophone Journal Society). This periodical publishes undergraduate knowledge written by academy-conservatory band graduate trainees, for undergraduate students, trainees and musicians - to consult the page click here

ACADEMICS and highly regarded PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS have agreed to provide feedback on a voluntary basis (like most journals of other organizations) for practitioner-type research brief reports that are produced for Abstract publication in our 8 (eight) Practitioner-type Music and Education through Music Journals. They will send a partial peer-revision for topics of submitted brief research reports to our fellowship (advanced training). But before they are consulted the short paper (or essay) must pass the editor's musical orientation and editorial guidelines. Only high-quality practitioner-type research reports of music performance analysis or music education evaluation will be passed to 1 member of this Editorial Advisory Board, and, if the feedback is positive, the Abstract along with the author's contact details, will be published in the Carlophone Journal with the subsequent award of Fellow certification by the 8 scientific societies of journals (i.e. 8 practitioner-type journals with 18 ISSN and eISSN editions each year).

Our Rules for Article Revision:

Opinion and comment articles/commentary columns, editorials and reports and also practitioner music essays may be reviewed only by the editor. But if we receive the exceptional Fellowship Practitioner Essay the paper will be sent (this is subject to a previous editor's revision for quality control and to check viability and make minor amendments) to 1 member of the ALPMC-CI Review as a partial peer-revision of blind type. This is an approach to boost the credibility of practitioner articles/reviews up to the same status/level of academic peer-revision. Editorial review is an assessment of an article undertaken by a member of the editorial staff, which is the ALPMC-CI Review. On the other hand, for some sections of a journal, editorial reviews may be the only assessment taken of an article. We do not use the academic peer-revision just because it is not the scope of our practitioner music subjects and themes, and instrumental music topics. 

Our Practitioner-type journals examine the proposals made and successful authors become fellows (recognized specialists) in PMC with the 8 journal clubs. A certification of Fellow mentioning the music specialty or topic researched and published will be awarded if the work is deemed to be of good merit as a contribution to musical practice.
Perf. Dip. (Berklee), Grad Cert Studies (New School)
Advisor in Jazz Affairs for the "Royal" Free Academy of PMC
Jazz Expert, prolific Composer and Trio Performer
Former Teacher of ESTAL (private arts college in Lisbon)
He was considered the best European jazz musician in 2012

B.Mus. Hons, M.Mus (LCM, TVU, UK)
Percussive and Concert Guitar Performer and Composer



Disclaimer on the 'Royal' prefix: the prefix used in our brand name that has been published at this website and on the Academy's journal is solely to denote an official Tribute to the History of the Portuguese Monarchy. 

A Música é uma linguagem que tem o poder de interagir com as pessoas, proporcionando sensações, sonhos, prazeres, terapia, etc.; é uma das razões do nome ‘Conservatório Interativo’ (o Ensemble Conservatório que dirige um programa de formação e especialização acreditado) e não apenas por se disponibilizar formação no regime de tutoria a distância, sendo esta também de índole prática para melhor preparar futuros performers da música para estarem aptos a trabalhar em Ensembles e Bandas de música. ALPMC – CI não é um negócio de âmbito comercial nem uma empresa com fins de lucro, mas sim uma entidade sem fins lucrativos de âmbito artístico, literário e científico.

Academia Livre de PMC - Conservatório Interativo™ (ALPMC-CI)

- Nome artístico consistente em banda de música (de acordo com a certidão simples da IGAC) para fins de licenciamento e propriedade intelectual em conformidade com o regulamento da IGAC e a legislação Portuguesa -

Certidão IGAC Nº 26/2010 para Registo de Obra | Registo e Averbamentos IGAC das Coleções FLPMC | Registo de NOME CONSISTENTE em BANDA DE MÚSICA - CERTIDÃO IGAC Nº 12/2021 para certificação oficial da COLETIVIDADE (official certification of MUSIC CHARITY) pelo Ministério da Cultura Português (M|C) [Ofícios de Registo do Nome pela IGAC nº 1884/2011 e nº 3370/2012]

Declaração da Agência Nacional ISBN para a Academia Livre de PMC (3 Prefixos de Editor. A instituição musical possui centenas de eISBNs/ISBNs incluindo os eISBNs/ISBNs Derivados para as sub-edições no âmbito da tradução das obras para outras línguas). Nota: a ALPMC-CI poderá adotar Derivados dos seus números de ISBN existentes para publicar as Subedições.

Acordo RNOD (RNOD Agreement):

The content and hosting of the RNOD’s Contemporary Music Performance Collections are managed under an Agreement ('Charter') with the "Royal" Free Academy of PMC-Interactive Conservatory™ (the ALPMC - CI, Portugal). The National Register of Digital Objects is owned by the National Library of Portugal (BNP), M|C.

Entidade elegível para emitir Recibo de Donativo aos Membros, de acordo com as leis dos MECENATOS Cultural e Científico.

Registo do nome na autoridade pública (reguladora) competente em matéria de Propriedade Intelectual artística, literária e científica (IGAC). Banda de Música denominada por "Conservatório Interativo" (registo de nomes artísticos para nome de banda de música - C.I.). Academia-Banda de Música incorporada em 2019 à BNP por Acordo nacional firmado pelo RNOD/M|C.

O Conselho Nacional (anteriormente designado por Assembleia Geral nos estatutos) agrega os 8 Clubes de revista - A ALPMC-CI promoveu os seus estatutos como associação de direito privado (sem personalidade jurídica) de acordo com 2 artigos do Código Civil Português, registada e certificada mais tarde com a propriedade do nome de Banda de Música e integrada no RNOD - é gerida pela firma/operated by the firm:

Managing firm of the private R&D institution (business name - individual)

CAF Viegas ENI

CAE: 96093 | NIF: PT213003813 (VAT)

Outro: 72200 (I&D) 

Entidade Literária-Banda de Música: Registos Propriedade Intelectual (Nomes Literário e Artístico) com Certidão de Banda de Música emitida a 06-04-2021 pela Divisão de Licenciamento e Propriedade Intelectual da IGAC.

Certidão para Nome de Banda de Música nº 12/2021 (IGAC, M|C), sob o nome Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo para organizar Formação de Banda e de Solistas e desenvolver e promover novas Obras Musicais, representada pela pessoa de Carlos Alberto Ferreira Viegas (PT213003813).

Forma jurídica (Type): Business name (firm) - Individual

[Please note: the Musical organization name was issued by IGAC, M|C in 2021]

Morada Fiscal (Registered Address):

99 Av. das Laranjeiras, Ed. Panorama Bl. B 2º Dto 

3780-202 Anadia, Aveiro, Portugal


 Dirigente/IR da instituição de I&D:

Carlos Alberto Ferreira Viegas, Postdoc da Indústria (CarlosLab)

Outra informação geral da instituição musical:
- Promovida a Constituição (Estatutos e Regulamento interno) do Conselho Nacional (C|N) da ALPMC-CI com o Despacho de Dezembro de 2019 (12/2019) do Presidente da Direção, e com publicação por Depósito Legal (DL nº467381/20) [associação nacional e sociedades científicas/journal clubs, constituída e organizadas de acordo com os Artigos 195º e 201º A (Publicidade) do Capítulo III do Código Civil - "Associações sem personalidade jurídica e comissões especiais"]
- A instituição independente dos performers e compositores da música contemporânea foi incorporada no contrato de Acordo RNOD da BNP, firmado a Julho de 2019
Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo (Secretariado e CarlosLAB), A/C Carlos Viegas
99 Av. das Laranjeiras, Ed. Panorama Bl. B 2º Dto
3780-202 Anadia, Aveiro, Portugal
Livro de Reclamações do setor artístico e/ou cultural: caso tenha alguma reclamação de âmbito artístico e/ou cultural consulte a Entidade Reguladora / Fiscalizadora (Regulatory Body), a IGAC, através deste link.

NOTA IMPORTANTE para Donatários - Donativos Anónimos:

De acordo com as leis dos Mecenatos (Cultural e Científico), nas entidades e organizações sem fins lucrativos os donativos anónimos podem ser civilmente recebidos até um limite de 200 euros por cada ano civil, NÃO sendo nestes casos (nos donativos anónimos) fiscalmente considerados para benefícios fiscais dos Mecenas/entidades donatárias. A ALPMC–CI recebe o seu donativo de Membro Associado (25 euros) ou Membro Titular (90 euros - com acesso ao Curso de Especialização) e donativo da renovação da inscrição de Membro (20 euros para ambos) desta forma. Emite-se um recibo de donativo anónimo, não contendo a informação fiscal do donatário nem o seu nome completo.

***Qualquer pagamento adicional por parte dos membros titulares no Curso de Especialização para aulas privadas por tutoria a distância e/ou aulas de orientação para o projeto final de curso deverá ser tratado diretamente com o formador tutor do curso ou da unidade curricular, pelo que a ALPMC-CI não emite um recibo de donativo para este efeito.


Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo@™ (ALPMC - CI™) [LITERARY NAME & BAND OF MUSIC NAME with Certificate of Registration by IGAC, M|C] are Registered Names (Brands) with the General-Inspection of Cultural Activities, IGAC Division of Licensing and Intellectual Property (a State registration and/or licensing of literary and artistic works, and literary and band of music names, for intellectual property protection and publication) in Portugal, Ministry of Culture.

Coleções Faculdade Livre de PMC (FLPMC) are registered intellectual property with the General-Inspection for international protection under copyright law and the Berne Convention, Switzerland. Conservatório Interativo is a trademark of Academia Livre de PMC. The Books and e-Books are indexed with the Portuguese Association of Publishers and Booksellers (ISBN National Center) and all the Journals and e-Journals (ISSN National Agency) are indexed and published with the National Library of Portugal Collections for Music. We are also an approved entity for legal deposit and ISMN deposit with the National Library, and the ALPMC-CI National Council (i.e., the Academy with the CI Centre/Lab and its 8 Society Journals) are a RNOD (M|C) Partner Organization.

Todos os Direitos Reservados Mundialmente 2011-ao Presente © Academia Livre de PMC-Conservatório Interativo



ALPMC-CI is a registered musical organization in Portugal - IGAC Certification nº 12/2021 for Band of Music name (Ministry of Culture) - an entity owner of protected Intelectural Property (Berne Convention).

Contrato de Acordo de Fornecimento de Dados:

O Agregador Português para a Europeana e para o Publishing Framework (EPF)
-------- Como Instituição musical com Laboratório autónomo de I&D (CarlosLAB), a ALPMC-CI encontra-se listada no INDEXAR da FCT e validada no RNOD da BNP, sendo uma entidade utilizadora de alguns serviços de 2 Infraestruturas de Investigação do Roteiro Nacional: a RCTS e a ROSSIO --------

Ringgold ID 664395 | ISNI 0000000513107373 - a privately owned research institution for the musical and arts sciences

A instituição musical possui vários Prefixos de Editor e Registos de Autoridade nas Agências Internacionais e Serviços Nacionais de ISBN/eISBN, ISSN/eISSN, ISMN e de DL, e está incorporada pelo Contrato de Acordo RNOD (incorporated by the RNOD Charter of Agreement) da BNP, Ministério da Cultura.