"Freedom, in my opinion, is one of the most important element of THE MUSIC & ART, because it is what motivates us to create, express, experiment and adopt concepts and ideas. And the 'Free' term on the Academy's registered name is a signal of this."
"The Arts require freedom of expression and technique."
"Musical styles and tastes are like food ! You don't like, you don't eat."
"For me, it's just THE MUSIC that matters, and this is subject to include the freedom of extemporisation, improvisation and/or impromptu as a crucial part of it, whatever the musical situation or style that is spoken."
"What is the degree of difficulty?"
"Music by Meter, no thanks. What really matters is the Music."
"Play well in your way or own style (about Music Covers)."
"EXPRESS YOURSELF with and through MUSIC."
"Music is: the MUSIC."
"Nothing but the MUSIC."
"MUSIC has it all - Freedom, Madness and the Highest Discipline."
"There is only '1 Music'."
"Express yourself by developing natural talents."
É 90% de trabalho para você conseguir o que pretende na sua ocupação ou profissão. E na Música pode bem ser a habilidade de tocar e explorar um total de 1200 canções e peças 'À La Carte' com várias listas/sets de repertório para todos os estilos e gostos musicais.
In English - It is 90% work for you to get what you want in your occupation or profession. And in Music it may well be the ability to play and explore a total of 1200 'À La Carte' songs and pieces with various repertoire lists / sets for all musical styles and tastes.
(Carlos Alberto Viegas)
"Música ‘a metro’, não obrigado; não estou interessado. Já aprendi a lição! O que realmente conta é tocar a música em 'standard'."
"Aqueles que se acham os donos da verdade enganam-se."
In English - "Those who think they are the owners of the truth are
Alto Músico pode muito bem ser aquele que expressa a Música na frente do
público, e ocasionalmente ousa mostrar os mais altos talentos sem se perder."
"A ALPMC – CI é mais do que uma escola de altos estudos (pós-graduados), é uma instituição musical que anseia formar (dar formação de nível inicial e formação contínua de especialização/pós-graduação) e informar (através das vantagens da inscrição de membro) as gerações futuras de altos músicos."
In English - "A High Musician might well be the one who expresses the Music in front of the audience, and occasionally dares to show the highest talents without getting lost."
"We are all uniquely different with our own set of talents and personalities. These unique skills and psychological traits of a human being can be transferred and/or adopted into the world of performing arts [encouraging and promoting]. And this, would be beneficial, if we follow a set of evaluation parameters of the music learning psychology [improving], as a boost to the process of interactive musical learning."
"Musicians are all different – this may be called the ‘diversity of music’; that’s why they should have the freedom for their own approaches and styles of playing when they are part of an ensemble, orchestra or band, whatever the musical style to be performed. And of course they should get paid for the work, unless it is a temporary situation of promotion for gaining a musical job in a later stage."
"Music increases the quality of life and it is the most powerful weapon of therapy. No prejudice, whether sung or instrumental, what matters is that the Music gets into people's ears and/or soul."
"My art is playing the Music on the guitar, some Portuguese chordophones, and foot drums for which i was the inventor."
"Music is an aesthetic art and the 'aesthetic principles of music' should be attached to it."
"There is an important bridge to explore between the classical and popular music fields (the 2 distinct vias) with jazz and contemporary music."
"I believe that contemporary popular music improvisation (soloing in any style of music or situation) and classical music extemporisation (extempore) and impromptu are entertaining and powerful tools that musicians should know, explore and practise for the profession. But for this to make the desired effect and give 'real life' to the music, or to make people dancing for example a cakewalk or a waltz song, the improvisation or extemporisation must be approached as spontaneous or mini compositions written by a well-trained musician using a writing style specifically for it, after the harmony analysis (the analytical and practical approach of the music) for choosing the appropriate scale, mode, arpeggio and intervallic improvisation options, written by names on each bar (just as an example: 'C Dorian' and 'Sim.', for the 1st 2 bars) of the soloing charts of popular music songs or classical and jazz pieces."
"If you want to become a true professional player
and musician please do not use playalongs (or playbacks), just try to arrange
and perform the other parts in some way or hire another musician to help cover
your needs."
Quotations of Professor Carlos Viegas
"In the Baroque period, it was common for performers to Improvise ornamentation on a given melody line. Transcribing a tune as actually played would take several pages, as Variations are an intrinsic part of the Music."
(Harp of Tara,
"There are two versions of every story and (at least) twelve versions of every song."
(Irish proverb)
"Every instrument of the orchestra is inside the guitar, but in smaller sound size."
(Andrés Segovia)
"The Music comes first, whatever the musical style that is spoken."
(Pat Metheny)