Not a Peer-Reviewed Journal - This trade journal publishes Musical learning assessments within the Aesthetic principles of music in a psychopedagogical style/form.
1. Comunicação científica em 2015 nos Dias da Investigação na UFP – “Teoria da Aprendizagem para guitarra jazz & blues”.
2. Comunicação científica em 2017 nos Dias da Investigação na UFP – “Sistema Interativo de Tutorial e Vídeo (Assíncrono)”.
Editora: Gabinete de Relações Internacionais e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Institucional (GADI*), Universidade Fernando Pessoa (Fundação Fernando Pessoa), Porto
(*)agora denominado por Instituto de Investigação,
Inovação e Desenvolvimento (FP-I3ID)
In English
About this journal:
This journal is a periodical for teaching and tutoring professionals (in all music and arts subjects) and trainees only, edited by 1 editor; it is not normally peer-reviewed to allow the publication of shorter pieces introducing new thrilling topics that may not immediately fit within the academic debates, and these are written by the editor which is also the author of the works. Contributions from the editor do not exceed 2000 words and will include an abstract of approximately 150 words and also the key-words. The inclusion of pictures is permitted for publication and the periodical is devoted to the contribution of artistic scrutiny and artistic research and includes texts and essays or short articles written by the editor, which is, as mentioned before, also the author of the works published. This periodical is a resource for the teaching and tutoring fields, originally concentrated in music subject areas and applicable to arts subjects.
Tipo de trabalhos que a revista técnica publica:
- Atividade de I&D de cariz técnico e profissional (Investigação e Desenvolvimento)
Ensaios de cariz técnico e prático;
Ideias inovadoras que reproduzam ou culminem em novo conhecimento ou renovado.
Mission: investigate and examine teaching methods to evaluate the practical results of learning (competencies), and to connect the relation of student profiles with musical aesthetic qualities in the scope of plucked string instruments and percussions.