HOT CLUBE LUSÓFONO COLLECTION - An Extension of the FLPMC Collections for Music Manuscripts, Recordings and Live Music Presentations and Concerts
Small Ensemble & String, Brass and Wind Band Training Materials for Members:
MÚSICOS DE SERVIÇO (Solistas e/ou Acompanhadores da Música - em situações a Solo, Duo, Trio ou Quarteto)
MÚSICOS DE SERVIÇO (Solistas e/ou Acompanhadores da Música - em situações a Solo, Duo, Trio ou Quarteto)
'THE INTERACTIVE MAN-ORCHESTRA' (as to the above but in conjunction with the interactive Sinfonietta by triggering string orchestral samples and solos with Midi footpedal)
'THE MAN-SYMPHONY' (I IN VIII) & THE METROPOLITAN INTERACTIVE ORCHESTRA (stride technique=combining solo guitar, rhythm 'rasgado' guitar and bass, foot drums, percussion (guitar box), 'scat' vocals and kazoo - this hybrid interactive orchestra is considered the 8th instrument of Carlos Viegas, which is fully arranged with woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments and structured by himself, to hear dozens of Virtual Musicians!)) - Bach, Irish and British Folk, Portuguese Popular Music and some important Jazz Standards. Guitar Solos and Stride Arrangements for song versions written by Carlos Viegas
To have access to these interactive musical activities please send us an e-mail to register as a member.
THE 'I IN VIII' ENSEMBLE & MET. ORCHESTRA for the Academy's Public Performance Programmes, will be presented by Carlos Viegas at the Church of São José das Taipas, Porto, Portugal
'THE MAN-SYMPHONY' (I IN VIII) & THE METROPOLITAN INTERACTIVE ORCHESTRA (stride technique=combining solo guitar, rhythm 'rasgado' guitar and bass, foot drums, percussion (guitar box), 'scat' vocals and kazoo - this hybrid interactive orchestra is considered the 8th instrument of Carlos Viegas, which is fully arranged with woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments and structured by himself, to hear dozens of Virtual Musicians!)) - Bach, Irish and British Folk, Portuguese Popular Music and some important Jazz Standards. Guitar Solos and Stride Arrangements for song versions written by Carlos Viegas
To have access to these interactive musical activities please send us an e-mail to register as a member.
THE 'I IN VIII' ENSEMBLE & MET. ORCHESTRA for the Academy's Public Performance Programmes, will be presented by Carlos Viegas at the Church of São José das Taipas, Porto, Portugal
The repertoire
list usually has no more than 85 pieces and songs in Stride Guitar and other Stringed Instruments, Brass, Woodwind, Keyboard and Percussion Instruments (Metropolitan Orchestra), with arranged music of Portugal, Brazil, Ireland, Britain and America, and also Fusion Music composed by Carlos Viegas.
Dates: there are no dates at this time - please check back later or e-mail us.